Crock Pot Baked Potato BarEstimated Cost:  $5.00 +

Prep Time:  15 minutes

Crock Pot Time:  7 hours

Serves:  6

With the A/C working overtime to fight the heat, cooking in the sweltering months of summer can be a challenge.  Here is an inexpensive, super-easy way to make a meal easily adapted to the tastes of all around the table.  And more importantly, one that will keep you from working over the hot range or oven in  the dog days of summer.

Crock Pot Baked Potatoes:
6 large baking potatoes
aluminum foil

Suggested Toppings:
frozen broccoli cuts, cooked
chunky salsa
shredded Cheddar cheese
sautéed mushrooms
crumbled cooked bacon
sour cream
chopped fresh chives
Sriracha hot sauce
Old Bay horseradish mayonnaise
Quick and Easy Chicken Gravy

1. Wash potatoes; pierce each potato a couple times with fork. Wrap each potato in sheet of foil. Place in slow cooker.

2. Cover; cook on Low heat setting 7 to 8 hours. (If you have smaller potatoes, aim for 7 hours; for super large potatoes, aim for 8 hours.)

3. After potatoes are done, have fun topping your baked potatoes with a variety of toppings.

Mike’s comments:

Granted, we don’t always have the time to bake our potatoes this way. When we do, however, this is my favorite way. It couldn’t be easier, and they come out wonderfully.

What are some of your favorite baked spud toppings? Please share on the comments section of this recipe. I will add them as you share!